New Year New View at Dilly Meadows

Everything looks so different in the snow today and this leads us to think about the marketing launch for Dilly Meadows, now that the site is finally looking as proposed and demonstrating the design quality we protected at initial stages, ‘New Year, New View’ has sprung to mind as a marketing tag line for Dilly Meadows as we edge towards practical completion. ‘New View’, literally because a house relocation to Dilly Meadows provides excellent rural views from every new home built but also because some times, as we review at the start of the year, we may embark on a different plan or take a different view on the type of life we want to live, increasingly buyers are making the decision to move from town to country, this is an emerging trend as buyers seek all that country life has to offer.

Here is the new view which Dilly Meadows provided today in the snow, what a beauty, Dilly Dilly!

For further information

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